CCA    Clinical Computing of Augusta, LLC



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  • Consultation regarding the purchase of an EHR.  Our office uses GE's product Centricity (formerly Logician)

  • Implementation strategy - Many buy and EHR only to become frustrated at the difficulty of implementing it in real life.  We have done so successfully, and have learned what to do and what not to do.  

  • Troubleshooting sites already installed.  Just because you have an EHR does not mean you don't have problems.  How do you get buy-in from the physicians and other staff members?  What do you do when EHR is slowing things down and decreasing revenue?  How do you get patients as part of the process?  We will help you figure out the best solution for your practice and make sure you get there.

  • Maximizing EHR profitability - the object of the small businesses we run is to make enough profit to be able to support medical practice.  Even in the current financial climate, EHR can be leveraged as a tool to increase your practice's profitability.  

  • Speaking engagements - whether you want to motivate individuals on the general benefits of a computerized record, or you want to generate excitement about changes with the system you already have, we offer speakers at any level.

  • Customizing clinical content - we have extensive experience customizing GE Centricity EMR so that it works in the office setting.  We have used Encounter Form Editor, Visual Form Editor, and Crystal Reports to maximize the efficiency and profitability of our practice.

  • Networking - If we can't solve your problems, we probably know someone who can.  We have made extensive contacts in the EHR world and can most likely find someone who can get you on the road to success.


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Last modified: 06/29/06