CCA    Clinical Computing of Augusta, LLC



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Consultation Projects Clinical Content Speaking..

Key Benefits

  • Use Content already developed - no need to "re-invent the wheel"
  • Content has been used extensively in a real office setting, so they are very user-friendly
  • If you have content but need help in developing it, we are happy to assist


We were some of the first Logician/Centricity users to make our own content.  Over the years we have developed hundreds of forms, handouts, letters, custom lists, order sets, etc.  Some of our forms have integrated other content (such as that developed by CCC®), while others have been built from scratch.

Form Component Development
We can help your forms work better, look better, or build them from scratch.  We can also use our forms as a solution or as a starting point.
We have been able to use Managing Orders in nearly all available aspects and can help you set it up so it will greatly improve your workflow.
Crystal Reports
We have recently gained proficiency at writing Crystal Reports.  These reports can be used within the EMR or separately so that a large amount of information from your database can be presented in an organized manner.  For example, in preparing for NCQA certification in diabetes, we have used a report that summarizes the diabetes care for each physician.


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Last modified: 06/29/06