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Whether you use Centricity EMR or another EMR, or if you are still in the process deciding on which EMR to choose, we are happy to assist you in your transition to an EMR-centered office.

Key Benefits

  • You can learn from our experience first-hand as to what is really important in implementation (as opposed to what a salesperson may tell you).
  • You can come to our practice and see first-hand how we have gotten EMR to greatly improve our productivity and quality
  • You can learn from our many mistakes and not make them yourself!


Going to the EMR is a lot like going out west was to the Pioneers.  When we first went on EMR, there were no others who had gone ahead, so we had to blaze our own trail.  We made many mistakes and learned many things the hard way.  Now we have arrived, and we can offer other practices a map as to how to safely navigate to "the promised land" of an EMR-centered office.  Believe us, the task is daunting but very doable if you have the right guide.

Site Visits
Come to our office and see first-hand if what we say is true.  Your biggest doubters will become believers.  Bring staff along to speak with our staff (it is best to not just bring physicians).  Very few who have done a site visit to our office have not walked away as enthusiasts.
As you plan for implementation, it is very important to do things right.  A good implementation of a bad EMR is much better than a bad implementation of a good EMR.  Hopefully you will choose a good EMR, but regardless of your choice, we can help you optimize the efficiency of your office and minimize the pain of the transition.
There are sites that have big problems.  Many problems have simple solutions, but many will become projects.  To get from bad to good is a process that takes a good idea what the goal is.  We have been in both good and bad positions, so learn from our experience.


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Last modified: 06/29/06