CCA    Clinical Computing of Augusta, LLC



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  • Evans Medical Group - The website of our practice.  An important thing to note is that we put a higher priority on doing our office quality of both service and medicine above the desire to be "paperless."  We have only just developed our website because it just fit into our business plan.
  • HIMSS - The national organization that oversees medical information systems.  HIMSS's annual conference is one of the largest of its kind, with over 20,000 attendees.  They serve as a forum for both users and vendors of medical informatics, and have recently become one of the strongest voices nationally for EHR adoption.
  • DOQ-IT - The government-sponsored program which gives money to help physicians take the steps needed to implement EMR well in their practices.  Each state has a Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) which can help in this process.  They won't pay for the EMR, but they will help you decide on the right one and help implement it properly.
  • Clinical Content Consultants - CCC is one of the reasons we have succeeded.  Their robust disease management content has greatly changed the way we use our EHR.  While their content is currently limited to GE's product, they have extensive knowledge about the inner workings of an EHR.
  • Visual Form Editor - This editor has become the mainstay of
    Centricity users.  It is a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) means of customizing the EHR to what you want.  It is very easy to use and is really a must for users of the EHR.
  • - A Blog website that Dr Lamberts regularly contributes to.
  • Robs Odd Blog - Just a silly Blog
  •   - Rob's Thoughts on Medicine, Pediatrics, and Whatever Else
  • Homestarrunner - Because it's there (Thanks to Mike Z for
    introducing me to this!)
  • The Taxonomy of Barney - from Improbable Research
  • The Twinkie Project - Stunning


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Last modified: 06/29/06