CCA    Clinical Computing of Augusta, LLC

Ambulatory Computing


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Welcome to the Ambulatory Computing, the webpage for Clinical Computing of Augusta, LLC

Our Mission

We strive to improve the implementation process of Electronic Medical Records through a workflow centered approach.  We understand the physician's office from the inside and will work to maximize the opportunity for success that EMR affords.

Company Profile

Clinical Computing of Augusta was formed from Evans Medical Group, based on nearly 10 years of experience of EMR use in the primary care setting.  Having this experience, we are some of the pioneers in EMR implementation.  In addition to our own EMR:

  • We have assisted helped multiple other practices with implementation and maximum use of EMR.
  • Our practice won the Davies Award for Primary Care, given out by the Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS) for excellence in IT application.
  •  We have given multiple lectures on the implementation and use of EMR for multiple types of audience.
  • Our clinical content has been used by many through the MedicaLogic Knowledge Bank

Clinical Computing of Augusta was founded by Physicians and Staff of Evans Medical Group

Contact Information

If you are interested in reaching us, we are delighted to answer any questions

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General Information:



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Last modified: 06/29/06